Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to Choose the Best Yoga Pants

There are hundreds of yoga pants styles to choose from and making the best choice for comfortable practice can be difficult. The best yoga clothing will move and stretch as you do. It should be made from absorbent and breathable fabric so to keep it from clinging and making you uncomfortable. Most yoga styles will have you moving from asana to asana and you do not want to loose your pants while going from one position to the next.

Although some aspects of  choosing the right yoga pants for you is personal preference (I prefer foldover yoga pants), there are a few tips that yogi should consider before buying a new pair of pants. For yogis that prefer hot yoga, or Bikram yoga classes, shorts may be the best choice where as long looser fitting pants work better for Vinyasa style yoga.

The first thing to consider is the fabric. There are many types of athletic fabrics to choose from, but some work better for yoga practice than others. Synthetic fabrics are plentiful, but there are also many options made from natural environmentally friendly and even organic fabrics. First, decide which type of fabric works for your needs. Natural fabrics are free of harmful chemicals and are easier on the environment, but you may not like the way these fabrics feel.

If you do decide on a natural fabric, you have plenty to choose from.  One of the best fabrics is made of bamboo. Yep, bamboo. Bamboo, cotton and hemp are great lightweight breathable fabrics that are great for yoga, the environment and your health. These materials are renewable and do not cause overdue stress on the lad where the plants grow and they are biodegradable. Hemp fabrics are often similar in texture to linen and are very strong and durable. Cotton is a great choice for yoga pant material- make sure that it is organic cotton, if that is important to you.

The next aspect to consider is style. There are thousands of sytles of yoga pants available for purchase including capris, shorts and full length pants. Yoga pants also come with options like roll top waists, tight fitting spandex-like material and loose flowing wide leg pants. Fold over yoga pants or rollover, as they are sometimes called can be adjusted to sit at your waist or at your hip and are a great choice for people who do all different types of yoga or exercise. They are even great for lounging around your home.

Choosing the right yoga pant for you can be intimidating or even overwhelming, but when you know what to consider you can really narrow down your search. Don't forget to set a budget before heading out to shop, or going online!

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